Friday, December 7, 2007

December 7, 2007

After last summer's very hectic schedule, I decided that this year's summer (2008) would be different. I told myself, you are going to have a vacation no matter what it takes. And as I thought about it, I decided that I would like to travel the northwest camping and exploring areas that I have always heard about but have not yet been able to visit.

Tonight, as I was contemplating the trip, I searched the internet for the national parks pass that allows a person to purchase an annual pass for $80 and allows free admission to all of the national parks in the country. Since I am planning to visit many national parks over the summer, I thought this might be a good investment.

I also searched online for hostelling international sites as an alternative to outdoor camping. For the areas that I am planning to visit, there are a good number of hostelling international sites that I would be able to take advantage of. Since there are many hostels in the areas that I am planning to visit, this may also be a good investment.

And, as I was searching I would like to get a fold out road map, so that I would be able to visualize where I am and where I am going. I will also need to get a book that lists campground sites and addresses of their locations so that I would be able to begin to list an itinerary. Of course, I've got quite a while before the beginning of my trip and I will hopefully be able to gather much of what I need before I leave.

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